The assorto drum is one of the most sacred drums in Vudun.
It was said to have been played at the " Bois Caiman "( house of the Iman } ceremony.
This is the ceremony where the Haitien liberation began. History would like for you to believe that the Haitien people
made a pact with " Say ten " to help defeat Napoleon"s army.
The cause of the french defeat was " GREED " not " Say ten "
The french were so greedy for the bonty of Hispanola, that
they used up the Tiano natives almost to extention.
Their greed brought in so many africans and worked them to death so fast until there were a whole generation of
africans who rememberd freedom ,and adversity drove them to victory.
To this very day there are religious people who have their ceremonies at the site of " Bois CaIman ' ( aug. 14th. } To
chase the spirit they percieve to have helped the Haitiens defeat Napolieon.
Haiti is 85% catholic and 100% Vudun. So when the catholics got back into power. the first thing they did was have
superstition campaine to destroy any artifacts of vudun.
Of course the Assorto was on the top of the list. The were burned. And being made of wood they thought they would rot
Now that I have told you about it and shown you one , the assorto is in our memory banks.
The assorto is not only a drum ,but an " EGUNGUN " ( ancestor ) They are sometime dressed as " EGUNGUN ".
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